A Broader View

Poem from Natasha Head

Natasha Head.. friend of A Broader View wrote a very nice blog and donated a Poem about Abroaderview , you have a nice heart and thank you for the donation for one of our programs as well http://tashtoo.com  please leave a comment on her post and share with friends. Thank you again Natasha.

The Art of Giving
(Inspired by A Broader View and their amazing volunteers)

So very much we take for granted
Rushing to the next big thing
Filling the hunger void
With cardboard and false sustenance
Abusing ourselves
For the sake of instant gratification
Ignoring the trickle down

We claim stress
Overworked, under paid
Never enough
Though Mother Earth has proven
We could all live and prosper

Yet we cower from the hands of the hoarders
Those who would rather see others
Go without
For the sake of agendas
That demand MORE
It is at their hands
That suffering is prevalent
Around the globe

Our circle is broken
Once knowing no end
It is now divided
By invisible lines
Dictated by wealth
By status

There are those who dare to cross the lines
Compelled by the need
The suffering
Hearts born to help
Hearts that know the value
In a child’s smile
Hearts that feel the pain
In a child’s empty stomach
This is the heart I desire.

Where there is sickness
They are a hand to hold

Where there is hunger
They are a safe meal

Where there is thirst
They are the path to the well

Where the view of the future weighs heavy
Decorated with fear and lack
They broaden the horizon
With the gift of hope

While we are left to feel ashamed
For our own perceived lack
They offer to us
A broader view

The proof that even ONE
Can make a difference.