A Broader View

Tips for Increasing the Efficiency of Your Volunteer Program

There are many different kinds of volunteering projects being started in the world. One such volunteering project is the Costa Rica Sea Turtles volunteering program. Basically, this is one of those conservation programs which involve volunteering people who can save the extinction of the turtles. Being a broader view volunteers there are many different kinds of ways with the help of which one can increase the efficiency of this volunteer program. Some of these ways are:

Appoint a volunteer coordinator

In order to increase the efficiency of a volunteering program, it is advised to hire or appoint a volunteer coordinator with the help of which one can easily manage their program. A well organized volunteer program helps in getting amazing returns on the investment made by the people. The volunteered coordinator would help in organizing the recruiting efforts, conduct volunteer orientation and training, track volunteer hours, solve problems, and help ensure that your organization’s mission is being furthered. A good volunteer manager must be flexible and understanding.

A volunteer’s motivation is different from that of a paid staff member. Managing people who aren’t paid for their work requires a great deal of finesse. When choosing your organization’s volunteer manager, choose someone who not only has good management skills, but also has the ability to spot potential talent. This would help in increasing the complete efficiency of your volunteer program

Organize in a professional manner

As the hiring of the volunteered manager is completed, it is advised to manage everything in a professional manner.  Volunteer coordinators should respond in kind by formalizing their relationships with volunteers. Think of your volunteers as consultants to your organization such as provide them with orientation, training, organizational policies, and measurements of volunteer impact. The more your volunteers understand your organization and how it operates, the better they will be able to fit its operating procedures and help further your mission. Arm your volunteers with a volunteer handbook. Include written job descriptions, your organization’s mission and history, policies and procedures, and contact information.

It is also advised to write job descriptions which would help in defining the volunteers their job to be done and also clearly defines their responsibilities and roles. Moreover, it would help in clearly defining the objectives and goals the volunteers are expected to perform. Some of the job descriptions to be included are

It is also advised to make use of volunteer descriptions as the foundation of the volunteer program which includes recruiting, interviewing, placing, supervising, and evaluating your volunteers. They will help your volunteers understand what tasks are involved and what skills are required. It will also help create continuity between volunteers. Moreover, it is important to inform the volunteers their duties in the most effective manner. This is an effective practice with the help of which one can easily increase the efficiency of their volunteer program.

Try and understand the psychology of volunteers and volunteering

Before engaging in the world of volunteering, or becoming a part of the Costa Rica conservation volunteering programs, it is important to understand why do people volunteer? Basically, there are various different kinds of reasons which would prove that why people become a part of the conservations programs. It helps in providing new knowledge and skills to the people which they can use in their life. This is program in which volunteers are entered to avoid or stop the extinction of the sea turtles.

On the other side, it is also equally important to understand why people don’t volunteer. According to the information made available by a survey, there are many different kinds of reasons which would prove why people do not wish to volunteer.  Some of the reasons are

Try and make impressive assignments

There are many different non profit or not for profit organizations which make use of this practice. In order to increase the efficiency of the volunteer programs, one can make better matches by creating a more thorough interview process at the time of appointing volunteers. Find out what motivates a volunteer and what they hope to gain from the experience. Then match your volunteers to specific tasks and focus on the satisfaction they will receive from performing these tasks.

Holding on to the interest of the volunteers proves to be a challenging task. Whenever possible, assign volunteers to tasks that will allow them to exceed their own expectations. Provide them with opportunities to experience different types of jobs within your organization. A variety of experiences will lead to more highly satisfied volunteers. Keep in mind, the ability of your organization to successfully match a volunteer to a task is directly related to the quality of the volunteer’s experience. That experience, whether good or bad, will determine the degree to which the volunteer will become involved with your organization again.

Do not waste the time of the volunteers

Careful planning on your part will allow your volunteers to actually accomplish something with the time they have donated to your organization. Have tasks, assignments, and a detailed work plan ready for your volunteers when they arrive to work. So it is advised not to waste the time of the volunteers as this would help in increasing the efficiency of the volunteering program.

Keep experienced volunteers

The Costa Rica Sea Turtles is a conservation program, which helps in stopping the extinction of the turtles. According to all the broader views volunteers, the volunteerism is considered to be a two way street. In this, both the organization as well as the volunteers should be experienced. Create a climate where your volunteers feel heard and supported by paying attention to their needs and requests. Listen to their ideas and use them. People want to be involved where their ideas are heard and used.

In these kinds of conservation programs, the volunteers are allowed o set goals for themselves and provide the tools they will need for success. This allows them to ensure they are getting what they want from the experience. Empower your volunteers by encouraging them to cultivate their leadership skills. This would make a difference and would also help in increasing the efficiency of your program.

Maintain the presence of the volunteers

For a broader view volunteers, no promotions or vacations are required. It is important to reward the volunteers but in a positive manner. This would help in making a difference for them as well.