
Volunteer Abroad in Rwanda

Rwanda is a small country in East Africa. It is infamously known for the 1994 genocide, which saw close to one million nationals lose their lives. This saw the country’s economy come to a decline. As of today, the country is still on the road to rebuilding its once glorious Read more…

By Volunteer, ago

Volunteer in Africa: Consider Uganda!

Although not always the first choice on one’s list of tourist destinations, anyone who ever visited Uganda can vouch for its stunningly beautiful landscapes, surprisingly friendly and hospitable population. Moreover, the country provides a large variety of recreational activities open to tourists and natives alike. Located in central Africa, Uganda Read more…

By Volunteer, ago

Benefits of Volunteering Abroad

How can you help yourself and others gain a broader perspective and gain valuable insight into other cultures? Volunteering abroad can be immensely beneficial in terms of broadening your horizons. Being exposed to different cultures and people from virtually every socio economic and ethnic background imaginable cannot help but introduce Read more…

By Volunteer, ago

Why Should You Volunteer Abroad

Volunteer work is satisfying to the volunteer and necessary to the wellbeing of so many underprivileged individuals. Volunteering abroad is an incredibly unique opportunity to team together with A Broader View, a non profit charity organization that sends volunteers overseas. When you volunteer with this non profit corporation, you are Read more…

By Volunteer, ago